Board Certified in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Contact Phone Numbers:
Call 206-935-2722
Fax 206-935-3984
General Information
Office Hours:
This office is generally open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. Office hours on Mondays are highly variable, depending on time of the year. The office usually remains available by telephone during the lunch hour, closing only for monthly meetings and special circumstances. This office closes at 3 o'clock on most Thursday afternoons.
Initial appointments for new patients generally take 90 minutes. Our building has a secure entrance. Entry is gained by pressing the button next to Dr. Leifheit's name to the right of the front door (on 44th Avenue SW). My receptionist will then greet you and unlock the door remotely.
Walk-in visits are discouraged, as these are an imposition on those who have made appointments.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please inform this office as soon as possible so that others may be given the opportunity to be seen in your place. Failure to show for an appointment, or repeated cancellations on the same day of the appointment, may incur a charge.
We will make every effort to honor your appointment time, but ask you to understand that urgent referrals and complex appointments can interrupt this otherwise orderly process.
Health plans
- Aetna
- First Choice--most Plans
- Humana
- Premera Blue Cross
- Medicare
- Motor Vehicle Accidents--Initial evaluations and Second Opinions
- Lifewise Health Plan
- Regence
- United HealthCare
- Work-related Injuries / WA Labor and Industries claims
Insurance Billing and Payment
Dr. Leifheit is a preferred provider with most major medical plans in this area and this office directly bills insurance carriers. Depending on your insurance coverage, you may be required to make co-payments or pay for a portion of the cost of your visit. Most insurance plans insist that co-payments be done at the time of your visit.
Some patients have insurance plans that allow them to pay personally for medical services, then submit receipts to their insurance carrier. Dr. Leifheit's office staff and his Billing Service can assist you in this process.
Appropriate insurance forms and current policy information are needed by this office if we are to directly bill your insurance carrier.